THURSDAY, MAY 27th, 2010

1900-2200 Welcome Cocktail, the “Continental” Hotel

FRIDAY, MAY, 28th, 2010

0900-0930 Opening Ceremony
0930-1100 Scientific Sessions
1100-1115 Coffee-break
1130-1300 Scientific Sessions
1300-1500 Lunch break
1500-1630 Scientific Sessions
1630-1645 Coffee-break
1645-1830 Scientific Sessions
2000-2200 Gala Dinner

SATURDAY, MAY, 29th, 2010

0730-0830 Breakfast
0900-1300 Workshop: "Constitution review"
0900-1300 Workshop: "Constitution review"
1300-1400 Closing Ceremony
1400-1500 Lunch break
1800-2200 Romanian Dinner
The International Conference scientific sessions will take place in the conference rooms of the “Continental” Hotel in Tîrgu-Mureş.