The 6th International Conference on Interdisciplinarity in Engineering. Interdisciplinarity in development of new technologies, 2012
The 5th International Conference on Interdisciplinarity in engineering. Industrial Management and Engineering in a Changing Technological Environment, 2011
The Proceedings of the European Integration between Tradition and Modernity Congress, Volume 4, 2011
The Proceeedings of the Communication, Context, Interdisciplinarity Congress, Volume 1, 2010
Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, Inter-Eng 2009
European Integration Between Tradition and Modernity, 2009
Educatie si comunicare, 2008
Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - CANS, 2008
Bio-Inspired Computational Methods Used for Difficult Problems Solving - BICS, 2008
International Conference on Economics, Law and Management - ICELM, 2008
Interdisciplinarity in Engineering - Inter-Ing 2007
Educatie si comunicare, 2007
European Integration Between Tradition and Modernity, 2007
Applied Research on Sutainble Development in Romania, 2006