Ioan-Aurel Pop, Member of the Romanian Academy, Director of The Center for Transylvanian Studies
Mihai Bărbulescu, Correspondent member of the Romanian Academy, Director of Accademia di Romania, Roma
Keith Hitchins, Champaign-Illinois University, Urbana, Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy
Dennis Deletant, Professor of Romanian Studies, University College of London
Harald Heppner, History Institute of Graz, Austria
Trencsenyi Balázs, Associate Professor, Central European University Budapest, Hungary
Nicolae Bocşan, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj Napoca, Romania
Liviu Maior, Bucharest University, Romania
Antonello Biagini, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Anatol Petrencu, Professor at the State University of Moldova, Moldova Republic
Ion Negrei, Institute of History, State and Law of the Academy of Sciences, Chişinău, Moldova Republic