Studia Universitatis Petru Maior Series Historia is edited by the History and International
Relations Department of the Faculty of Sciences and Letters from “Petru Maior” University from Tîrgu Mureş.
It is a scientific journal acknowledged by the National Research Council and indexed in several international databases.
The journal publishes studies, articles and reviews with a scientific value in the historical field.
It started its editorial activity in 2001 and ever since it is published on a yearly basis.
Until now 18 issues have been published under the coordination of the editorial staff formed by members of the History
and International Relations Department. At the present moment, the journal is coordinated by university professor
Cornel Sigmirean who is the chief editor. The editorial staff has prominent personalities as members with a vast experience
in historical field but also young researchers as the journal’s intention is to contribute at shaping the new generation
of young historians. Likewise, the scientific committee consists of prominent members of the national and international
Studia Universitatis Petru Maior Series Historia is a scientific journal which publishes since 2011 articles in international languages, English, French, German and Italian thus enlarging the access of the international academic community to the researches of the Romanian historians but also giving the opportunity of the foreign historians to share their latest researches with the Romanian academic community. This perspective motivates the editorial staff to permanently improve the quality of the journal.In its 14 years of existence, the journal has encouraged the scientific research in national and universal history. It also perfectly mirrors the academic activity of the “Petru Maior” University as it is the disseminating media for most of the activities organized by the History and International Relations Department of the University. Issue after issue, the journal published the results of the researches leaded by the members of this Department within several research projects such as Intelectualitatea românească din Transilvania şi receptarea valorilor politice, filosofice şi economice ale Europei moderne (Director: Sigmirean Cornel) or the postdoctoral programme Transnational Network for Integrated management of Postdoctoral Research in Communicating Sciences. Institutional building (postdoctoral school) and fellowships program (CommScie) – POSDRU/89/1.5/S/63663, financed under the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 as several members of the editorial staff had gained such postdoctoral scholarships. But the journal also publishes the results of the national and international conferences organized by the Department and by the University.The journal also illustrates the fruitful collaboration of the Department with research institutes and universities from abroad.Given the journal’s broad contributors and readership and increasingly transnational direction and our efforts of improving the journal’s quality, we also welcome letters to the editorial staff in response to recent articles and reviews.