The editors of L'Europe Unie / United Europe invite submission of articles based on original research as well as reflections on conceptual, theoretical, and methodological issues in European Studies. The journal has both print and pdf version and is availible at the end of each year.

    The editors recommend to use the following rules regarding editing material for publication:


  • all the articles must be written in English, French or Italian;
  • each manuscript must be one-sided pages and single spaced throughout, including quoted material. Footnotes should be used and appear single-spaced at the bottom of the page with Arabic numerals;
  • the author’s name, addresses and the institutional affiliation should appear on a separate page in order to facilitate anonymous review;
  • materials will be sent to the editorial office in electronic format, preferably in word.Doc; if the author uses tables, charts and other graphics is preferred that they be submitted in a separate file (in. xls,. tiff. jpeg).
  • submission deadline: 1 July each year;
  • all manuscripts must be submitted via email to the editorial office at:

    The manuscripts must respect the following structure:

    Title in the original language of the manuscript.

    The Abstract must be written in English. The abstract must summarize the argument and significance of the work (it should not exceed 130-150 words).

    Keywords (no more than five) in English.

    Manuscripts that do not respect these recommendations will be sent back to the authors and their publishing being postponed until they respect the journal’s criteria.


  • Title: TNR 12
  • Abstract: TNR 12
  • Article: TNR 12
  • Footnotes: TNR 10
  • Bibliography TNR 12


    Please refer to the following citation examples:


    Studies published in journals:

    1 Loredana Stepan, “Imagini ale femeii în literatura şi presa românească arădeană la sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea şi începutul secolului XX“, in Caiete de Antropologie Istorică, II, No. 1(3), January-June, 2003, p. 47.

    2 Mihály Spielmann, “Teleki Bolyai Library”, in Transylvanian Review, IV, No. 2, 1995, p. 105.


    Studies published in Coordinated volumes:

    1 Ionela Bălăuţă, “Apariţia femeii ca actor social – a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea”, in Ionela Băluţă, Ioana Cîrstocea (coord.), Direcţii şi teme de cercetare în studiile de gen din România. Atelier, Bucureşti, Colegiul Noua Europă, 2002, p. 62.

    2 Liviu Maior, “Asociaţionismul transilvan (sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea şi începutul secolului al XX-lea)”, in Ioan Bolovan, Sorina Paula Bolovan (coord.), Schimbare şi devenire în istoria României, Cluj-Napoca, Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2008, p. 92.

    3 Camil Mureşanu, “Reflecţii despre Simion Bărnuţiu- gânditorul politic”, in Sorin Mitu et alii (coord.), Biserică, Societate, Identitate. In Honorem Nicolae Bocşan, Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2007, p. 245.


    Monographic studies:

    1 Ioan-Aurel Pop, Thomas Nägler, Magyari András (coord.), Istoria Transilvaniei, vol. III, Cluj-Napoca, Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2008, p. 481.

    4 Nicolae Albu, Istoria şcolilor româneşti din Transilvania între 1800-1867, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică si Pedagogică, 1971, p. 159.

    5 Keith Hitchins, Conştiinţă naţională şi acţiune politică la românii din Transilvania 1700-1868, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Dacia, 1987, pp. 134-136.


    Ph.D Thesis:

    1 Dorin Goţia, ASTRA în anii Primului Război Mondial., Ph.D. Thesis defended in 1998, Scientific Advisor Liviu Maior, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj Napoca, p. 129.


    Non-book materials (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM etc.) and Internet sources:

    1 Pietre pentru zidirea românităţii moderne: vechile tipărituri ale Blajului, CD-ROM, Alba Iulia, Editura Haco International, 2007.

    2 URL:, Accessed: September 17th 2011.



    1 Lege pentru completarea legii din 24 martie 1904 relativ pentru cedarea de cărţi pentru biblioteci, in Monitorul Oficial, No. 205/19 December 1922, p. 1.


    Conference papers:

    1 Georgeta Fodor, Reevaluarea statutului femeilor în contextul afirmării naţiunii române din Transilvania, presented at the International: Risorgimento italian şi mişcările naţionale din Europa. De la modelul italian la realitatea Europei Central-Orientale, Tîrgu Mureş, 17th Septembre 2011.



    If possible, the authors must respect the following structure: Institution, Archive fund, File, Document number.

    1 Arhivele Naţionale. Direcţia Judeţeană Sibiu (eventual ANDJ Sibiu), Fond Astra, Dosar nr. 58, document nr.....


    Conventional abbreviations accepted by the editors:

    - Ibidem;

    - Idem;

    - op. cit. (opus citatus);

    - loc. cit., (loco citato);

    - et alii, et aliae;

    - Cf. (confert);

    - Apud (at);

    - Et passim (here and there).


    For further instructions, you may also contact the editorial staff at: